Thursday, December 31, 2020

So, I've written an open letter to 2020

Dear 2020, 

Boy, howdy, what a doozie. 

See, you have entire worlds rooting for your death. You have human beings who have lost so much during your reign. You have bitmojis showing that you’ve been a dumpster fire of a year. You have memes telling you to “Fuck off.” You have so many people who are rooting--not just for your reign to be over but--for you to be destroyed, written off as the worst year ever. 

I’m not here to do that. I mean, do I appreciate how you have packed so many obstacles into such a short period of time? No, of course not. I’m a lazy person, and I don’t like overcoming one just to find another staring at my face. 

But, really, it’s not your fault. I can’t possibly believe that you came in all bright and shiny on January 1st, 2020 being like, “Y’all better buckle up.” Maybe you’re just as heartbroken as everyone else. I can’t believe that your successor, 2021, has been rubbing her hands waiting for you to fail, so she can swoop in like a superhero. 

See, Time is a team. 2021’s success depends on you, as you depended on 2019. Decades depend upon decades. And, we *can* fight about what year actually is the end of the decade (2019 or 2020), but that thought wearies me. Your reign didn’t suck because you wanted a Machiavellian twist. Your reign was hard and difficult because you inherited a mess.

This letter will be America-centric, because it is the reality in which I am living. 2020, you came in so joyfully, so full of life and love to give. Then, COVID-19 became a real big problem real fast. But, you see, 2020, that wasn’t your fault. (Technically, it was 2019’s fault...but, again, placing blame is ridiculous.) We weren’t ready for it. America dug its heels in Anti-Science malarkey.  America’s rugged individualism, for which we are so renowned, was truly the downfall here--each person thinking for themselves, not the community. That’s not your fault, 2020...again, if we’re gonna place blame, maybe the fault lies in 1492, when Columbus “discovered” the New World and followed his selfish interests and destroyed the beautiful cultures that already lived there. Or maybe the fault is in 1776, when the colonies didn’t like being told what to do. Or, maybe in 1773, when we threw a hissy fit over some tea and taxes. 

America doesn’t always recognize the difference between patriotism and nationalism. 

Then, 2020, while you were dealing with COVID, a police officer, Derek Chauvin, knelt on the neck of George Floyd, and a *different* a police officer shot Breonna Taylor in her own home, and Gregory and Travis McMichael shot and killed a man named Ahmaud Arbury, all of which reignited protests around the world. Again, 2020, it isn’t your fault. Maybe it’s 1619’s fault, when White people kidnapped millions of people from a continent far away to work their lands because they thought they were too good for that kind of dirty work. Or, maybe it is the entire decade of the 1910’s, when the Jim Crow Era really ramped up. Or maybe, it is 1955’s fault when three white men killed a *child.* Emmett’s death and Mamie Till Mobley’s bravery set the mid-century Civil Rights Movement in motion. And, guess what, 2020? We’re still fighting that same damn fight. So, you see, it isn’t your fault. 

Then, in November...and December...and probably January...Joe Biden kept winning the presidential election. But, unfortunately, that’s not your success. Maybe it belongs to 2016, for electing a man fully inept at carrying the responsibility for anything at all, let alone an entire country. Or, maybe it is in 2018, when a giant swath of people saw what wasn’t working and ran for office to change it. And, maybe, yes, maybe it’s yours, too. But, *electing* Biden, much like the second after 12:00 a.m. when your reign ends and 2021’s begins, won’t change anything.

We, as a country, have to work to make this a place worth living in. We need to address the death of our planet and the cataclysmic natural disasters worsened by climate change. We need to work to become an Anti-Racist person, neighborhood, city, state, country, world. We need to work to believe in fucking science. We need to take our heads out of the sand and realize that all it took was two months of income instability to throw 7.8 million Americans into poverty while Jeff Bezos’ already gargantuan income increased by 78 billion dollars. 2020, that is not your fault. It is the fault of greed, corporatism, racism, and the many, many years before you that allowed it to happen. 

Actually, 2020, you have maybe been the best year of all. You have given us a year with the fewest school shootings. You have shone a light on how delicate our economy is. You have allowed us to see the true monsters within. You have shown us that we cannot continue to live in a sustainable way. You have punched holes in America’s belief that we are the best. Finally, 2020, you have shown us who true patriots are--people who love America so much that we see how hurt she is. People who love America so much that we work to make her better. People who love America because she is our home.

So, it’s December 31st. Go ahead, take your bow. Pass on your burden and relax. You’ve had quite a year.